Am i book smart or street smart

Take this fun personality quiz to learn what kind of smarts you have. He used to spend lots of time studying, like really a lot and he had a. Valley girls, mall rats and surfers helped define the lingo of a decade filled with extreme fashion, new wave music and the age of blockbuster movies. Say i am busy and do not want to talk to you right now. Its likely that you started out as either a book smart or street smart type and learned the other to help get by in the world.

It solely is a theoretical understanding of facts or ideas. He says that its, two tenths of a mile up the road. To be street smart, you have to spend time on the streets. Dont bring anything there is supposedly a lot to eat. Intelligent people are often street smart, in that they have learned from their own experiences. Whenever someone says im not book smart, but im street. And if youre street smart and not book smart, then read a goddamn. Street smart, book smart, or neither all the tests. The truth is, being book smart and street smart has a lot more to do than just your upbringing and personality. Getting along with others knowing which questions to ask and not asking too many,being polite and friendly, but also being assertive. Youre not going to find a tome that helps you to be smarter on the street. What you will find is many books instructing you how to improve specific skillsets that, combined, could be called street smarts. Book smart people are often educated to a high level. Some people are analytically intelligent or book smart.

Just to set an example in regardings to the topic, when the economy comes down to a threat where individuals will be drafted to war, street smarts will doubt less and think of strategies in order to survive through the battlefield,while on the other hand book smarts are hesitating about. Street smart, book smart, or neither 15 questions developed by. Book smart is simply describing that the person as generally intelligent, well educated and do well academically. This is a huge advantage when dealing with people as it offers you a sense of ease. Go get an apartment, or reach for a more challenging job. Touching on everything from the rise of the automobile and the decline and resurrection of streetcars to traffic calming, ridesharing and the advent of driverless cars, schwartz. If you consider yourself a wiz when it comes to riddles, or if you just need a break from the hectic world around you, give this quiz a try. You have a good head on your shoulders, and as long as you trust your instincts, you know youll be fine in this world. It is one thing to know all the technical aspects of a product you are trying to sell but it takes street.

Being streetsmart not only means you already have a few survival skills under your belt, it also means that you know how to adapt when thrown into an unknown situation. Someone who possesses street smarts can also have book smarts, but usually people who have book smarts only rely on their intelligence. However, the underlying idea is that the person deals with situations especially bad or difficult situations from an intellectual d. It would be foolhardy to say that being book smart isnt a good thing. Street smart, which is the shrewd resourcefulness needed to survive in an urban environment be it people management, project management, or business management, comes from experience. You have that special knowledge that gets you ahead in life. You know exactly how to get along with all kinds of people, you are confident, funny, and you have killer instincts. I also recognize that this kind of street smarts is a specialized, complex, important skill set which i, with all my book smarts, could never hope to master. Common sense knowing who you can trust, which areas in town are good and which are bad, etc.

But there is a lot to say about the value of being street smart. One is book smarts whereas the other is street smarts. Being street smart means having interest in other activities more than in school work, while being book smart is the complete opposite of that. I am by far the brightest, out of everyone i know, when it comes to street smarts. However, when i hear the phrase im not book smart, im street smart, it generally is not referring to this sort of intelligence. This type of intelligence is used to recall or recognize, analyze, evaluate, and. I dont have to tell you which side believes this, but i have one simple question. Street smart the psychology of good and bad judgment on november 10, 2015, in dr. This person knows what every type of person has to deal with daily and understands all groups of people and how to act around them. Graff believes that having the personality of a street smart person can benefit society if one knows how to channel their potential correctly. You get street smarts when people try to take advantage of you, when they try to bully you, or when they try to bamboozle you.

While book smarts are, unsurprisingly, considered the gold standard of intelligence by academics, street smarts are essential for living a functional life. On the flip side, being book smart comes from being wellversed with books. What types of smart are there besides book smart and street smart. Its always good to be conscious of safety when out and about. You dont trust people very easily, but when they earn your trust, its for life. Youll never hit the street smart plateau while under the comfort of mommy and daddy. Why you need to be street smart, not book smart better. That puts you in contact with unsavory characters, the kind that typify the hustler that embodies the negative version of that word. Whereas, street smarts refers to the experiential knowledge on things. Generally, people who are not book smart ie didnt go to school, arent particularly good at any subject, etc etc try and make themselves feel better by claming that people who actually are smart arent street smart like them.

Being street smart though helps you develop tools to deal with whatever life throws at you. If you pass, go on to the next quiz, are you knowledge smart if you fail, you fail. I once heard someone utter the phrase, when someone says that they arent street smart, but book smart, what i really hear is, im not real smart, but im imaginary smart. Some people are book smart, whereas others are street smart. As pejoratives, the book smart is one who relies on structured knowledge and suck at real life naive, easily manipulated, bad judgment and the street smart is unintelligent or uneducated or incapable of being educated, hardboiled, unsentimental. Tomas chamorropremuzic, editorial advisory board, leadership, learning, talent management, by dr. What do you call people who are book smart, but not street. If an creepy old man approaches you, and asks you for some money how would you handle the cituation. Being book smart can be described as exam smart or academically smart, whereas being street smart means having good environmental or situational. When you are street smart, you are able to discern when a situation is going south or when a situation is fine and safe. What is the difference between book smart and street smart. Some people are book smart, some are street smart and some lucky souls are both.

Book smarts refer to the education, schooling and other kinds of knowledge that one has acquired. Intelligent people may or may not have been educated to a higher level. Where a book smart person is a little sharper when it comes to the facts. Dont you worry, weve got the best mind teasers, trivia, and general knowledge questions to test how smart you really are when it comes to all things knowledge, education, and more.

Does your knowledge come from the streets or the books. What types of smart are there besides book smart and. Dont bring ne thing there are supposed to be lots to eat. While which one is more helpful can be a matter of debate and also depends on the context, it is generally seen that street smarts weigh more on the scale when it comes. Book smarts mean you are very good at knowing stuff, retaining things, remembering things. A street smart heavy person wont beat a person that is book smart at a trivia competition that is for sure, but street smart people can think on their feet and get through challenges and puzzles much better. Sometimes the people who are book smart are useless when it comes to the actual job.

Rather, says veteran companybuilder norm brodsky, theres a mentality that helps street smart entrepreneurs solve problems and pursue opportunities as they arise. Test your smarts with these savvy questions to find out if youre book smart or street smart. Common sense for the real world, author gordon meyers talks about how people who are street smart develop a keen sense of situation awareness that affords them a distinct advantage over others as they steer through life, and it all starts at a very young age. Why making kids street smart is a smart choice for parents. Equal parts transportationplanning compendium, autobiography and love letter to new york city, street smart lays out sam schwartzs vision for the future of multimodal and multinodal transportation systems. A person who has alot of common sense and knows whats going on in the world. Answer these questions about how to handle situations to test your street smarts. Say youre out of money which is a lie tell him to back off. Whereas a booksmart person may panic if no ones ever taught them how to start a fire without a lighter or matches, a streetsmart person would at least try and improvise something they may have seen in a movie. So, being smart whether booksmart or streetsmart is a great thing to be.

It has a lot to do with your preferred learning style, and which way you perceive the world. So if i could be within that top 1% booksmartbutnostreetsmart in areas of knowledge that can give me that understanding, then i would definitely choose that. The street smart superrich credit the book smart for their mastery of a sophisticated topic, which is why they hire these experts. There is no doubt in my mind street smarts kicks book smarts ass. Brodsky shares his hardearned wisdom every month in inc. What are some of the best books to develop street smarts. Bring him back to your house so you could loan him money. Street smartpants are bs detectors and no one is going to pull the wool over their eyes easily.

We dont doubt that youre an intelligent person, but did you know that intelligence can be separated into categories. Street smarts trump book smarts if you want to get. If youre book smart and not street smart, then get out in the freaking world. Scholarly but funk in afraid of or inept in facing real life people smart. Now you need to pass on that knowledge to someone special in. You wear many hats, and you take a flexible approach to life. Just as useful as book smarts, and in many cases more so. Being able to succeed scholastically, and not necessarily in the real world. You may not have done the best on quizzes or term papers. He could perfectly recall the page number and paragraphs of the course books he studied. Most people spend a small fortune on a college education for book smarts but when you get in the real world, you must also have street smarts. Im just really bad at putting forth effort toward that area.

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